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Report a Product Quality Complaint

Ipsen is dedicated to producing high quality products to improve the lives of patients. If an Ipsen product has not met your expectation please report it to us.


If an Ipsen product has not met your expectation or you would like to report a product complaint please email directly

* Indicates a required field. If these fields are not completed, we will not be able to process the request.


* Was a Digital Application used to assist in your treatment/the treatment of your patient?


All the information (including personal information) you share with Ipsen will be protected and kept confidential in line with our company standard operating procedures and legislations and regulations. The information you provide will be used for the purpose of drug safety surveillance and to enable us to deal with your inquiry appropriately and it may be shared with health authorities. You may (depending on the applicable law) have rights in relation to the personal information we hold about you. In order to better respond to your inquires, or process the adverse event in a centralized way, the personal information you provide may be transferred to IPSEN PHARMA (contact information: located outside of China, and collected, used and stored by such foreign recipient. If you would like to exercise your personal information rights to the foreign recipient, you may contact the foreign recipient via the abovementioned contact information. To understand how we process your personal information when you submit an inquiry/adverse event/product complaint, or how to exercise your rights, please read our Privacy Notice.

* I have fully understood and agreed that Ipsen will process my personal information in accordance with the Privacy Notice.

* I have fully understood and agreed that Ipsen will process my sensitive personal information in accordance with the Privacy Notice.

* I have fully understood and agreed that Ipsen will transfer my personal information outside of China in accordance with the Privacy Notice.